Trendy looks

A detailed report on Tokyo fashion week, who was selected as the best designer. The best design review and quality of the event. In general we can say that Tokyo fashion week has been one of the best events of 2016, EpicoMedia has been selected as the most creative company and their product Vitrine was the best product.

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Color palette

The variety of options around us is stunning there are more than thousands of shades of blue around us. Color option nowadays is a must have feature in marketing of fashion items. A great color palette would always drown attention to your collection, only thing to consider would be to choose up to date ones.

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Cloths wholesale

If you enjoy a good sale and an on budget shopping experience wait for the end of season sale of Cloth Diva in the 5th avenue. In normal sales buying a blouse in this store may cost from 600-900 dollars while on sale the same cloth costs about 100 dollars or less.

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